My son's first bicycle

One of the great things I LOVE about being a dad is getting key life moments with my kids! Anna's still really too young for that. She had her first poop about 15 minutes out of the womb! But that's been about the extent of her accomplishments in the first month.

Jake on the other hand is 3 and he's having a million firsts. He got his first bike this week. He'd been a demon on his tricycle for months - so we thought it was time to upgrade his wheels. Laura went to Toys'R Us and got him a training wheels special. When she phoned me to tell me she'd gotten it, I had visions of him riding off into the sunset or at least to 7-11 to get me a snack. :( But, of course, he's three. So none of that happened. He hasn't even figured out that you can move the pedals full circle. He moves in half circles. Which is okay by me... at least for now. I'm sure in a couple of years when he really is riding off into the sunset - I'll look back on the tentative 'half-circle' days with fondness.

Isn't God wonderful for designing us with these experiences in mind?

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